Originally Posted By: Atoler
Originally Posted By: Beer Belly
Originally Posted By: AlabamaRebel
Please accept my apology if I offended any of you. I retract my previous statement. I, like everyone here, am a human with flaws and I posted out of anger and frustration. If you feel led to vote for Trump, then by all means do so. I will not.

If Hillary wins you will lose your guns (PERIOD). The 2nd amendment will be erased.

That is what this vote is about. Are you telling me that you "feel led" to give up your 2nd amendment rights?

Lets see who Trump names as potential Supreme count nominees, cabinet, VP. Lets see how he attacks Hillary. I think that this needs time, because people were all in with Cruz and lost. I have been an Cruz or Trump person from the beginning. I support them both. They both have/had their negatives and positives.

Trump was all for restrictions on the 2nd ammendment until a few years ago. I have no faith that he will save them. It's very simple for me. I'm going to stay home. Why? Well I live in a state that will go red either way. This way, I can keep my hands clean. If I lived in a swing state, I would seriously consider voting for him, and trying not to puke. Fortunately, I don't have to make that choice.

Trump is a long time life member of the NRA.