Originally Posted By: Deadwood
The GOP underestimated the much cajoled Tea Party. I believe this was a vote of protests by Constitutional Conservatives to break the back of the GOP because they were NOT acting on the will of the people.

That's exactly what I've told 'Huntress for the past 2 or 3 months. People don't so much give a sh!t about Trump as they are just fed up with the same ol' same ol'.

Sanders is causing Hildebeast much more consternation than he was supposed to. Hillary was ALWAYS going to be the dems nominee, Sanders, who isn't even a democrat, was allowed to run as a democrat to make it look like Hillary fought for the privilege of fighting for The People...but it seems like maybe a lot of dems are fed up with the same ol' same ol', too. Who'da thunk anyone smart enough to be fed up with it would still be a democrat?

Well behaved women never make history.~ Out back
Quit laughing...I think I broke something.

Fifteen is my limit on Schnitzen-Gruben, Baby...

I have OCD and ADD, so everything has to be perfect, but only for a minute.