I self imposed a 3 bird limit for myself this season, so I have no problem if it becomes reality. But at the same time, I feel research needs to be studied on the effects of chicken litter and disease with turkeys.

Hell if the government pays for studies on Shrimp running treadmills or in Alabama to spend 1 million bucks Catfish Genome "to identify genes that convey virulent traits, to identify pathogens and to identify factors that influence expression of traits in catfish.” (might be in the wild turkey as well)

Or even $500,000 for Alabama Wildlife Federation Conservation Education Center - for"hands-on education about a variety of ecosystems and how they can be conserved. The center will teach environmental responsibility while understanding the opportunities and uses of our natural resources.”

It think there is some merit to the Chicken Litter "Conspiracy" we owe it to the conservation of our turkeys to find out if it's bad or not...