Originally Posted By: Hogwild
I could care less, myself.

But, it IS illegal; and expressly against the Law and in violation of Regulations. I certainly think that it should NOT be...but, plain and simple it is; from pursuing the deer with a dog in Counties that prohibit dogs for deer, shooting deer at night, and trackers killing over their limit of 3 bucks.

AND, the more it is discussed on here, just like hog-dogging, the sooner some a**hole is going to shut it down and folks will have to lobby, beg, plead and 'make deals' to get the Laws and Regulations changed.

I speak from experience!

It’s only a matter of time probably. I’d really rather them not start making a bunch of rules for tracking but I also don’t want to have to operate in some hush-hush gray area all the time either.

On a different note, I’ve been looking at and holding some of these guns we’ve talked about…..seeing how they feel. The 44 carbine is going to be tough to find. It looks like an AR may be what we have to go with. I kind of liked the one I looked at the other day. It was a .223....Not sure if that is enough arse though.

Last edited by CNC; 04/16/16 07:10 AM.

We dont rent pigs