Originally Posted By: blumsden
Everday i drive buy peoples garden that has been tilled and just sitting there, and wondered, why? What is the thought process? Heavy rains wash it away, sun dries it up and if you'll notice most of them have absolutely no OM in the dirt.

It’s just human nature. For most folks, it’s the way it’s always been done. It’s the way Granddaddy did it. When folks get set it their ways with something like this then it’s extremely hard to get them to see anything else. Only the really open minded people will even give change consideration. Some will just out right reject change no matter what. The part that slays me the most if you’ll watch over time…..is that there’s constantly folks on here with stories about planting with the traditional tillage method and having failures or poor results. All of those failures just get chalked up to…..

“Well, it just be like that sometimes.”…....

.... and the foundation of the method is never put into question. It doesn’t matter how many times someone’s plot washes away or looks chitty or how much fertilizer they waste, etc.…….they will scratch their heads and just get the plow back out to start over.

To compound the problem, you have a select few folks out there who naturally have an ideal mix of sand, silt, clay that’s like the Cadillac of soils. Those soils will grow great plots very easily and can withstand heavy tillage without seeing the same degree of negative consequences someone with sandy soil might see. Those are the plots you see people posting pics of the most often and it really distorts people’s perceptions of what’s actually happening or why folks are having success. Other folks try to replicate the same process in a sand pit and don’t get the same results…..been there, done that.

Last edited by CNC; 04/04/16 04:41 AM.

We dont rent pigs