I remember when you could not trust anyone over the age of 30. The world was going to be at peace when we got out of Viet Nam and there would be rainbows and unicorns everywhere, It was the age of Aquarius. Folks, that was in the 60s and 70s.
Most of us out grew that and we have moved on.
We were called long haired hippies,
So tell me guys, are the youths of today that much different from the youths back then?
Or the Flappers from the early 20th century, or the lost generation from between the world wars?
Every generation sees what they perceive as the mistakes of their parents and vow to correct them. As they age and gain experience in the world or reality they find out their parents weren't so wrong after all.
The mistake today is in not confronting the idealistic youths and letting them know that they can moan and piss all they want, but no one will give a tinker's dam.
I will admit that I was pretty privileged as a young man. I had the advantage of the opportunity to obtain a great education. I had a car, and a lot of pretty girls to date. I let my hair get longer and had those great big sideburns, and listened to music my parents could not stand. I smoked and drank and slept late when I could and stayed out late.
BUT I grew up and became a productive member of society a respected member of my community and I have been told a pretty good father grandfather and husband.

So don't panic. I feel like it will all work out. I look at Doekiller and his son and I see a bright future for this country.
The thing is that the ones doing the pissing and moaning are not the ones who will take the trouble to actually try to do anything to make the changes they want, until they grow up and by then they will have developed some sense.
I am an old man and I am entitled to my opinion and to heck with anyone who thinks otherwise.

Let us cross over the river and rest in the shade of the trees
Stonewall Jackson
Hug your loved ones often, Life is short even on its longest days.
I don't see the glass as half full or half empty. I just finish it and order another.