Originally Posted By: blumsden
Crimson, if your not confused by now on what to tote, then you haven't read all the post. LOL

Yeah no chit! grin In all seriousness though, I appreciate all the opinions because it gives me all of my options to consider. I’d have never thought of the mare’s leg. Taken all things into consideration….I still think I may end up going with the pistol. I think the majority of live deer situations are going to happen in pretty close quarters. Very few situations will happen outside of 40-50 yards with many of them likely being closer than that. I like the idea of having something I can quickly get to and unload multiple rounds from if need be. Every tracker has a story about a buck charging them. It can get pretty hairy real quick like. A pistol is also just so much easier to carry around than any of the other options. Most of your time tracking is spent busting through brush. I’m already wearing a vest with all kinds of chit in it…..carrying a long gun of any kind is just about out of the question.

Anyone got any knocks on using a red dot scope like this one in the video?


We dont rent pigs