Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy Trigger!... it was humor, fellas. Yes, I know it was from "Occupy Democrats". For some reason one of my wack-job-left liberal Facebook buddies sent it to me this morning, not sure if he thinks I like Trump or what. But it made me laugh nevertheless.

I'll vote for Trump all day long, and GLADLY, if he winds up the Republican nominee (which I'd double-down bet he will be). I don't want him right now while I still have favored options, but he's fine with me IF it's ultimately him. I think he's a horrific, disgusting, laughable, jackass of a human, with absolutely zero ability to the POTUS, but I'll kiss him on the mouth in the middle of the Galleria before I let the Democrats get one more term!! I do NOT have to like the doofus, but I ain't gonna not vote for him, because that will 101% absolutely put a Democrat in the White House, and that will 101% be the final ruination of America. We simply cannot stand under the weight of even 4 more years. I ain't convinced we're recoverable now, but bet your house the U.S. will become property of the U.N. if we get one single more Democrat term. (that may actually be how the U.S. is removed from the prophetic picture)

We were on the edge of Eternia, when the power of Greyskull began to take hold.