Originally Posted By: straycat
Voting your principles in a free and open election is a true form of exercising that Liberty, paid for in blood.

I don't disagree. Voting for whomever you want is a fundamental American right. The thing I worry about is losing focus on keeping the Liberals out of positions of power and stopping them from running this country into the ground. I can't help who the Republican nominee is, but I can sure help that nominee (whomever it is), keep those evil Democrat bastages out of office. With the Replublicans so fractured and people writing in candidates that have as much chance of winning as I do, it only hurts the chances of keeping the Dems out of office. Why can't you guys realize you are putting the ones you are most against into office while you are on your moralistic crusade?

With that mindset you better lube up because the Hildebeast is coming.

"Some men are mere hunters; others are turkey hunters."

-- Archibald Rutledge