Originally Posted By: ACT3
I will be using the throw and mow approach in the fall due to necessity. I disked, broadcast, and covered as I usually do this year.

From what I have read on this thread.............In order to have the best set up to plant next fall, I really need to leave everything and let the natural vegetation go all summer until ready to plant next October as opposed to planting any summer crops?

What can I expect the first year of throw and mow? Will the plots be really spotty? (I have always tried to have plots that looked like a well manicured lawn)

I wouldn't worry about trying to grow anything much during the first summer. Just make sure the natural summer vegetation is thriving so that you don't end up with a naked looking plot when fall planting arrives. You want to have plenty of thatch. The first year results will really depend on what you're starting with. A plot that naturally stays moist will fair much better in the beginning that one on top of a hill that stays drier. A lot of the success with germinating a seed this way relies on soil moisture. As you build organic matter in the soil and begin to cover the soil surface with thatch....your ability to hold soil moisture will increase and so will the success in germinating seed by throwing and mowing.

Last edited by CNC; 03/08/16 07:13 AM.

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