Here is another link that really explains everything in a nutshell that CNC is promoting with building organic matter, and the principles and methods that I am using to expedite the growth of the microbial populations which ramp up the activity within the soil/decaying thatch. This link doesn't get into the organic matter as much as it deals with the necessity of the additional trace minerals & the healthy populations of microbes that are needed to feed the plants. It also gives a really good explanation of the importance of the sugar content in the plant and the importance of testing the BRIX. He doesn't get into sea minerals in this video, but you can see the importance of adding those trace minerals back to the soil from his explanation of what it takes to reach optimal plant health. Along with the things listed above he also provides a really good explanation of how our traditional methods of fertilization with synthetic fertilizers are harmful to the soil and it's natural processes. He is mostly dealing with fruits and vegetables in the video, but the concepts apply to all plants. Watch the video in the link provided below, I think some of you will find it interesting.