Originally Posted By: Waldo
Originally Posted By: westflgator
That is if it's put out as a granular broadcast at 50lbs per acre. ($27-30 per bag is what I'm getting it for), but most apply it as a foliar spray, and 1 bag will do 10 acres at a rate of 5lbs per acre to 20 gallons of water. Some only use 4lbs which would do 12 acres per bag. The foliar application goes much further with quicker results, but won't last quite as long as the granular. Some people put out the granular the first couple years along with a foliar application, and then foliar only once the minerals have been added back to the soil.

When are these applications made spring or fall?

As a foliar application you would plant spring or fall plots and then spray onced they are up and estsbished pretty well, gernetally 3-4 weeks after planting On spring plots you may have to spray earlier combined with some fish emulsion if the deer start hammering them. This will repel the deer and fertilize at the same time. Then I usually come back about 4-6 weeks later and spray the Sea90 a second time. I don't put anything down at the time of planting. However, the first couple of years you may want to put out the granular at the time of planting. After that you shouldn't have to use the granular but every 3-4 years.