Let me just say, I dont know a lot about turkeys. While deer hunting a couple weeks ago. I seen this huge turkey, twice. Didnt get a good look at him either time, but assumed he was a goobler because he was by himself and was waaay bigger than the hens and jakes I've seen. Last friday, I seen it again. Got a good look at him too(with binos). Didnt appear to have any beard at all. Except when he was facing me and looked directly at me, he had a black stripe down his neck. So that kinda confused me. Anyways, another difference this turkey had that differed from the jakes and hens I've seen countless times in this same field is. He appeared to have a purple tint when the sun caught his feathers just right, the hens and jakes appeared orange when the sun hit them just right. This bird is always by himself and never wonders into the field, only on the edge by the woodline.Hen or gobbler?

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