Originally Posted By: outdoorobsession
she violated the law with the confidential information and was INFLUENCE PEDDLING with the Clinton Foundation.

If these people can get away with that..then our country is no longer a nation based on laws. It is a nation of those in power...and serfs and servants.

If thats the case Americans need to stand up and say "No Phucking way...enough is enough!"

These losers have destroyed what was once a great nation of free people..and have turned it into one where we are RULED over, by people who are above the law.

There's laws for us commoners, there's laws for rich (bankers, wall street and the like) and then there's laws for the Clintons. Actually there are no laws that apply to them. A Congressman, senator , white collar rich guy couldn't get away with what they have. Gonna be real interesting to see what this FBI director says when the final report is released.

"Why do you ask"?

Always vote the slowest path to socialism.