Had a first two nights ago,went in to track big buck for a friend of a friend,we rode electric to the spot he had arrowed the buck ,before we started tracking he pulled the card out of his trail camera,,,I knew it was a very very low percentage track.arrow only went in 4 inches mostly meat and white hair no blood,I figured. Non fatal brisket shot,took Lucy about hour and a half to take the track 650 yrds,she came back once and gave me the "were not going to get this one look" then went back to work,finally we all decided to call it,she showed us a speck of blood at around. 600 yrds,
Next day he sent us this pic that was on the SD card he pulled,the buck had already been back to the hit spot,actually he was there when we drove in.he must have took off like a streak when he heard us coming in,it had been around 7 hrs since he had been hit,

mike and lucy lopez
let us track your deer 24/7
we track for donations
No mandatory fee.