Outstanding where do I pick my prize up. Lol. I usually Bounce around on public land more than I did this year. I focused on Bankhead and did have a pretty good season. I really do hate hunting that hell hole. If you don't scout that place will beat you down. The woods are wide open and it's hard to find a good funnel area, so I focused 90% of my hunting on food and it worked out. The primary reason I stayed mostly in Bankhead this year was my uncle. He has always had a friend to hunt with him if I was not there. Well this year our friend didn't hunt due to age creeping up on him (74). My uncle is 67 and we have bow hunted together since I was 9 years old. He didn't leave me behind when I was a kid, so I'm not going to leave him behind. The last few years he had to go to a crossbow due to shoulder issues, but he still climbs a tree and kills great bucks every year. If you have a chance to hook up with an old bow hunter and go scouting you would be surprised at what you will learn. I have never been in gun hunting club so I had to learn how to get close and without the guidance from old timers it would have been tough. With all this said find you an old bow hunter and beg him to carry you scouting and I could be passing this award off to one of you fellas next year. By the way I'm only 39 so I wouldn't be able to teach you half of the stuff these old timers could teach you.

It is hard to kill or catch anything sitting on the couch!