I have recently referred four calls that I could not take to Mike Lopez. Two of them he could not take, the other two he took and found both of them. I spoke to the hunters and in each case and they both expressed appreciation and amazement. One deer was found alive 24 hours after the shot in the Alex City area. The other was gut shot yesterday afternoon in South Montgomery County and found alive 4 or 5 hours later. Mike said that if he had known it was gut shot he would have waited longer.
Regarding the two calls that Mike could not take - I sent the hunters the list of trackers on the AON map as well as CNC's number. When I get a call my number one interest is helping the hunter get his deer (or like last night, her deer). If I can't take it I do my best to find someone who can. Mike is my first call. There may be teams that can do just as well but I'm convinced none can do better.