I’ll tell you the best part about today’s track but I’ll have to preface it with another story……

A few weeks or so ago, AJ and I were on a track that had a really messed up search area to work through. His older dog started working through all the different scent trails…. slowly picking her way through it. While she was doing all that, AJ sat down on a stump eating something that appeared to be sunflower seeds and started in telling me and the hunter a semi dirty joke. He didn’t have to even worry about the dog….she was busy working and didn’t give a damn what we were doing. So we’re all there shooting the chit and listening to AJ’s dirty joke while in the background the old dog is just working the hell out of this search area. I thought to myself at the time….”I can’t wait to be able to just sit down and tell a dirty joke while Otis does his thing.” After we got to the punch line and everyone had a good laugh…the old dog took the track off and AJ said “Let’s go fellas!”

Well cut to today……..The deer we were tracking had actually been jumped last night at about 100 yards out. After he ran another 150 yards or so, he got in a little thicket and stopped. I’m pretty sure he wandered around in circles in this area because when Otis tracked up to that little thicket he started circling around and around and around. I knew it was going to take him a minute so I just pulled a stump and started shooting the breeze with the hunters while Otis worked. He walked over to me a time or two and checked in but I just told him he was doing a great job and to keep it up……and he went right back to picking through the circles of scent. After about 10 minutes he finally figured out where the deer had went and he took the line on. It was nice to just sit there on that stump though and watch my dog work without having to do anything else. I may need to stock up on my dirty jokes. grin

Last edited by CNC; 01/25/16 03:12 PM.

We dont rent pigs