Originally Posted By: GomerPyle
This one turned out OK.....

last season, bowhunting on opening day of rifle season. Had a 1-horn spike come out in a place I'd not anticipated, almost directly behind me, walking from left to right.

Turned around facing the tree and tried to line up a shot to the left of the tree...harness strap was coming up over my back and prevented me from being able to stand up straight...No Shot.

By this time the deer had taken a few more steps so I spun around the other way to get a shot to the right of the tree. This time I drew the bow only to find the strap coming right across my face where I couldn't put my face down to anchor.

Spun the OTHER direction to get the strap to the other side of my head and still couldn't stand up straight.

All the time I'm dancing and twisting in the stand, the deer is 25yds away, totally oblivious (to this day I don't know how I didn't get busted).

finally managed to squad down, while staying straight from the waist up, got a shot, double-lunged him. he ran maybe 40ish yards if I recall, and piled up.

My first and only deer with a bow.

Congrats brother

"Some men are mere hunters; others are turkey hunters."

-- Archibald Rutledge