Mike and his wife drove from Birmingham to Catherine Al Sunday evening. To say I was impressed with Mike and Lucy would be terrible understatement. When we arrived at the shooting house where I shot, Mike let Lucy out of the truck while he got his gear ready. She did the normal walking around smelling and I asked his wife how she knew a hurt deer from a healthy one because where we were parked a spike had been eating there about 3 hours earlier, she gave me an explanation that they think hurt deer put off a scent from a gland between their hooves. When Mike was ready we started walking down the patch toward where I shot the buck. It was dark as crap but Mike asked me not to use my headlight as it would mess up Lucy's vision. Lucy had went on ahead of us when we started walking and I couldn't see her in the dark. When we got to my hat that I had hung on a limb to mark where the deer had went into the cutover I asked Mike where Lucy was thinking we would have to put her on the track. He then shows me his GPS and says I am pretty sure she is sitting by your deer 206 yards out there because she hasn't moved for 3 or 4 minute's now. There was not a speck of blood or hair in that patch that I could see but she had ranged ahead picked up the hurt deer track and trailed up thru the thickest mess imaginable in the time it took us to walk the 200 yards from the shooting house to my hat. I was simply amazed. I want to thank Mike, Lucy and his wife again!! To add to the money thing Mike told me this was #116 for Lucy this year. The way I see it even if you did 150 a season at $200 a deer by the time you put 25,000 miles on your truck eat out on the run and motel bills you aren't making any money. When I asked Mike how much I owed him he said all I ask for is a little gas money and if you want to give us a tip that's up to you!!! In my mind that's as close to free as you can get!!! I wouldn't of drove that 300 mile round trip messed up my nights sleep, wear and tear on my truck for less than $500. Thanks again Mike!!!