I tossed a bow out of a tree one time so I could grab the tree. The stand platform shifted on me and I started to fall.

Was in a tree one time before daylight and heard a thump below me. Just after daylight a buck came in and I drew on him and my sight was not there. It was the thump I heard before daylight.

Drew on an old buck one time that was nothing but a cowhorn spike. I had one of those thicker facemasks on. When I drew the bow my headnet twisted into the kisser button. I settled the pin behind the deer's shoulders and pulled the trigger on the release and it ripped the headnet off of my head and forced the bow to slam down into my chest. Once I got my wits about me and figured out what had happened I got down to get my arrow because obviously I missed the deer after all that. I get down there and there is blood everywhere where the deer was standing. I followed it to the woods and he was laying just inside the woodline. The arrow had hit him in the throat patch from side to side and completely cut his throat. He ran about 15 yards.

"Some men are mere hunters; others are turkey hunters."

-- Archibald Rutledge