I went to Mooresville today to look at a spot to hunt on the refuge. I pulled off of Pryor rd. and was trying to find a place to cross the creek to shorten the walk in to a spot i had found coming in from a different way. I had gotten no more than 100 yards from the truck when i heard a vehicle pull up and a door shut. I knew that i wasn't going to be very far from the truck and had left the windows down so after hearing someone pull up i headed back toward the truck. I had just got to within view of my truck when i seen a guy (we will call him "bama fan" because he had an Alabama hoodie on) easing up the creek bank with his head on a swivel (like he was looking for something or someone). It was about then that i seen what he was looking for, another guy (we will call him "old man" because he was old) came walking around the bend in the creek and says "hey, i'm over here". The "bama fan" walks over to the "old man" and proceeds to unzip his pants. It was then that the "old man" who called him over sees me (I don't know how he hadn't already because i'm standing in the wide open with an orange hat on) and says "I see someone".

Old man: makes a beeline to his car and strikes out.
Bama Fan: waves and says "how's it going".
Me: What are yall doing?
Bama Fan: What do you mean?
Me: I know what's going on here!
Bama Fan: What do you mean?
Me: I said, I know what's going on here!
Bama Fan: I'm allowed to be here...this is a public place.
Me: If this is a public place, why don't you wait right here while i call the GW.
Bama Fan: Jumps in his car and strikes out.
Me: I take a quick picture of his car and followed him out to the main road.

When i got back out to Pryor rd. I called the Game Watch 800 # and told the lady on the phone what was going on. I explained to her that i wasn't sure who to call but thought i should contact them since this was going on, on the refuge. She took my information and said she would contact the Federal GW's and that i need to call Limestone County Sheriff's Dept. No sooner had i hung up the phone with Game Watch, i look up and see both cars coming down the road (I guess they thought i had left and now the coast was clear). The "old mans" car was a yellow Volkswagen bug, license plate # 52dt993 (If you know him or see him....tell em you know about him trying to swallow a tube on the refuge) The other person drove (see picture below). When they seen i was still there, the "old man" floored it toward old hwy 20 and "bama fan" stopped dead in the road and stuck it his car in reverse and went back the way he came. I then called LCSD and told them what was going on and where it was going on at and they said they would send someone out to patrol the area. Whether anyone ever came out there to check it out is beyond me.

I knew they had caught and arrested people in the past out there but it looks they need to catch some more. So guys, if you are trying to hunt the rut on the refuge just know that the deer ain't the only thing in rut out there. Dang queers.

I had much rather be tried by twelve than carried to my grave by six!!!!