Originally Posted By: North40R
Joe that's a cool pic with the kid waving! It's been a long day here and I actually just got to see the live trap under the wood.

Ron those egg suckers will really put a dent in your ground nesting bird population. Everybody loves to see a big coyote in a trap but from a turkey hunters point of view every possum and coon I catch I'm just as happy!

I walked out in my yard this afternoon and there was a covey of quail not 20 yards from my front door. On my 40 acres I've got about 2.5 acres of chufas and the turkeys have every inch of them scratched up. From a place that 5 years ago you couldn't find a turkey or quail to what I have today I'm proud. People say you can't make a difference on small acreages and I say I've made a difference. I've got the results here daily!

Awesome! That's what I'm hoping to achieve the next couple of years!

Its better to sit in a stand and think about God, then to sit in church and think about hunting.