I was driving through Hurtsboro, AL yesterday and as I passed by the deer processor I noticed they had several bucks laying at the door about to be hung up. I pulled up to check ‘em out and while I was there I asked the guy if while they were busy if he could save me some livers and legs to train my new puppy that’s coming in the spring. He said that wouldn’t be a problem. On my way to this morning’s track I got a phone call saying that he had some ready for me. This is what he had me when I got there. It's somewhere around 50 legs and 15 livers. They weren’t even going to charge me anything but I still gave them some money anyways for helping me out. It was a heck of a lot easier than me trying to collect them throughout the season here and there.

If you think your wife frowns when you put a deer head in the freezer……you should see how they look when you fill it full of legs and livers. laugh

Last edited by CNC; 01/04/16 02:44 PM.

We dont rent pigs