That was me alright! And even though he wasn't still in the trap I forgot one other critter I had that was dead. I caught a flying squirrel in a dp a couple years ago that was dead.

AUcoonhunter wanted the skin to tan and use as a loin cloth! Lol!

Jon I see where the trappers out West catch rabbits in their sets pretty often. When I first started trapping there weren't many rabbits around and now I guess maybe me running my pan tension a little tight keeps them from tripping my sets.

The coyote could've easily been killed by dogs. I know they used to sull in the fox pens and the dogs would kill them quick. I'm really surprised that I haven't had a fox killed by the coyotes. I've seen several catch circles that they paced around checking them out.

Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience. Emerson