Originally Posted By: CNC
I encourage all of y’all to try and call in a tracker before this year is over. When you see that there isn’t really anyone in many gaping holes around the state then you will have a better understanding of what I’m saying. Some here understand it because they’ve already tried to get a dog brought out. Maybe I don’t word things very well sometimes. I’ll concede that. We all have character flaws. My bad…… But Mike asked where to post up and I’m trying to offer the suggestion that there are many of you getting left out in the cold (not jus the folks on this forum) and it just doesn’t make sense to be tracking in an area that already has me and AJ and Tony…..while you guys around Cullman….Scottsboro….Wedowee……Gadsden….and several other areas….get left out in the cold. Its much more beneficial to everyone if Mike is going to be able to cover any area then he would cover these unmanned areas and lets work together on here. I guess many of you don’t pay that close of attention to it but there has been track after track in certain areas that have just been left hanging. You minions can try to make this out to be a chest bumping competition if you want to but when the time comes that you finally do shoot that monster and you need a tracking dog……it will be to everyone’s benefit that there is one or two more guys out here with a good dog that is in the position of being able to come out and help you instead of you calling around, like I’m watching so many people do, and getting no one. I don’t know how to word it any differently…..Its to everyone’s benefit in this situation if we can work together instead of competing.

CNC, it's all in the presentation. Intent is oftentimes lost in written communication. This was a much better approach and makes sense. I hope the other posts that came across as you whining about and bashing Mike doesn't hurt your efforts.

Old saying that folks don't care what you know until they know that you care sort of applies here.