Well, it was what we thought it was. I just measured here on my computer and we tracked the deer for an even ½ mile…..which is roughly 800-900 yards. The deer was bleeding pretty heavy for the first few hundred yards. We made it to where the deer had bedded up last night though and I think it must have laid there and clotted up. Not much sign of blood past that point. Otis did outstanding on this track. He took it and ran with it, never really checking up until we had made it out to around 800 yards where he ran into a deep holler with steep creek banks. That’s where we caught up to him and ended up calling it off.

The best part about the track was that Otis had to work through an area inside a thicket where I'm pretty sure the deer milled around for a while. Otis had run a pretty clean line up until that point but he stopped out in front of us and started circling. He circled and circled around in this little patch of brush for 5-10 minutes before finally picking up on the direction that the deer had exited on off we went again. I’m proud of him for not coming back to me and for working through that himself. I watched him on the GPS…..he circled the area and kept getting a little larger and larger with his circles until he found the clean line. I’m happy to see him do that on his own. I wish I had a picture of a big buck to show y’all but coming up empty handed was kind of to be expected on this one. Usually finding bone is not a great sign.

Last edited by CNC; 12/19/15 07:26 AM.

We dont rent pigs