I was a hold out on mechanicals for years. I never liked them because of durability issues and the retaining mechanisms (o-rings, rubberbands and clips). After hunting with someone that still shot the old school Gators and seeing for myself the advantages of having the 2" cut, I started looking around. I settled on the NAP Killzones because they have an internal clip that doesn't need to be replaced every time it's shot. I've taken 5 with them and they have performed well. Another head I'm going to try out is the NAP Slingblade. It's like an updated Gator. One of the advantages it has over the Killzone is the blades free float. I can't get the local deer to cooperate so I can test one out though. grin

"I hate rude behavior in a man. I won't tolerate it." Captain Woodrow F. Call

ShawBuilt Custom Bowstrings