Originally Posted By: goodman_hunter
2 things, #1 i read something from a deer farm owner, and he said big racks are 75% thrown from the doe, not the buck.

#2 and this is in response to 2dogs, When i was about 15, I use to walk around a 5-6 acre block in front of my house, looking for rabbits, then cross the road and stalk hunt squirrels. the small block was shaped like a triangle, with the road running on one side. while walking along the edge next to the field i seen deer tracks going into the block, went around the corner and just started walking the second edge that bordered the field and heard the deer jump, went back to corner and seen doe running across the field. when i continued to walk the second side 3 deer cut out that direction, I shot at them, but they were stretched out, looked, no blood, decided to go back home, so started back tracking from were I had come, got around the corner and seen bigdaddy heading out across the field in the direction the first doe went. He was laid up in this 5 acre block with 4 does.

I'm not sure I'm following.

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