My son and I have been hunting small family acreage since 2010, we killed 3 does the first 2 yrs but laid off since we only had 3 does showing up on trail cam 2012-2014. Over the last couple of years we have had numerous yearling spikes show up around October and hang around until the rut starts to kick in, then only one or two remain for a short period of time.

Now, there have been no bucks show up on trail cam or seen in person for more than one season except for this year there is a nice 8pt that was on trail cam last spring, we'll have some nice bucks show up in spring, stay until the rut starts to kick in then never seen again.

I read an article that stated that if you have a lot of yearling spikes coming around that it was either A)they are coming from another area due to lack of food, B) too many does which are being bred late in the season.

I have noticed that we have around 6 different does showing up on trail cam and 5 bucks at this time, so is it time to drop a few does?

Elite Omnia, Easton FMJ, Axcel Landslyde 5 pin slider.