Yes sir, I fully agree. I was born and raised in Georgia and the deer population there is about 20% of what I was in the 80s/90s. I have had many debates as to why the DNR wouldnt man up and reduce the doe days but as you said its political. My question which caused quiet a stir a DNR meeting was when are we going to have a hen turkey season ? They were outraged that I would even ask that question and assured me that there would never be a hen turkey killed legally in the state of Georgia. My next question was how many chics are raised per hen vs fawns per doe ? ( In my area we have far more turkeys than deer ) They tried to dodge the question so my next question was..Could this possibly have anything to do with the fact that there are more insurance claims related to deer than turkey and at that point I was pretty much told that I was out of line and that they did not want to hear any more of my false allegations.

End result is that DNR is political puppets in the hands of the insurance companies. They can make the season 6 months long and encourage us to shoot every doe that we see, ultimately it is up to us as hunters and sportsmen. I help people manage properties and I hunt multiple states every year and my best advice for everyone is to lay off the doe harvest. In todays times in most all of North America, if you are harvesting more does than bucks, you are making a big mistake.