My first two posts in this thread:

Originally Posted By: Shaw
Always one selfish asshole like that in every club. I make it a point to screw with said asshole every chance I get. Ol' Emmett and I had some shonuff fun screwing with this one dude. Even went as far as to take a leg off one of the deer we killed and leaving some tracks for him to find. grin

Originally Posted By: Shaw
Isn't hunting club drama great. When you or your buddy get kicked out of a club for being assholes, you post lies on hunting forums and Facebook to try and get back at them..... It's truly amazing.....

I never mentioned anyone's name.

Your first post:

Originally Posted By: josht101
Might as well quit beating around the bush. Tru-Talker is talking about the club that Bowhunter84 and Yekrut are in which he was in last year. His buddy got kicked out for hunting hard and not being part of the group best I can tell(not something I personally witnessed so can't claim this as truth but believe it to be so). You are talking about Tru-Talker having a picture of one of the lawyers in BH84 and Yekrut's club walking up to a dead deer with corn behind them with dad having the gun and kid holding his ears as if dad is about to shoot deer again(youth season and from stories I've heard kid is scared to shoot a pellet gun. The gun they have with them is a 270). Now it's hard to call that lies, being that I've seen pictures and the pics have been posted here and deleted by mods almost instantly.

You did though.

Let's see, one idiot has been banned over this whole ordeal. That was Jnall. He got put in time out because he kept stirring crap up about this club in the lease forum long before I knew BH84 and Yekrut were members. Like most of those type threads, it got locked. Then he started a second one and it got locked as well. Then the dumb ass posts it in the General Forum. I should have pulled the trigger permanently then, but I gave him 3 months. When his timeout was over, being the dumbass that he is, he gets on the General Forum pronouncing that his 1st Amendment Constitutional rights had been violated and drug it up again. So he was culled. I guess he was buddy's with TRU-Talker's buddy and they put him up to it. That's been my only involvement with it.

What's getting old is this minion group you're part of, Josh. If any one of you have any sort of disagreement on here, ya'll pour out of the woodwork and jump the person. Ya'll have been butthurt for the last 6 months about Morris. Well truth be known, I had nothing to do with it. One of the owners did that after Morris reposted a picture that was taken down by the owner. Despite what you may have been told, that is what happened. The admin logs on this site don't lie. I can go in and check to see what posts have been edited (even when you edit your own post), deleted, moved or any bans issued.

Your little buddy Tru-Talker has a history of dragging club drama on here. Before you became part of the minion pack, Josh, he had done this several times in the lease forum about several clubs that had posted openings. He had to be issued a warning about that behavior.

I've met you Josh and I think you're a good guy, but you're getting fed some bad info about this whole ordeal and me.

"I hate rude behavior in a man. I won't tolerate it." Captain Woodrow F. Call

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