Originally Posted By: odocoileus
Well essentially a former GW decided he wanted to come out of retirement and get his jollies off harassing some kids. A judge made a bad decision and allowed some BS charges to stand in his court because of who the accuser was. I'm not calling the kids liars, but I was 18-19 years old at one point and know you can make some poor decisions. However they damn sure shouldn't have been charged with what they were charged with whether they fired a shot or not. It's the states burden to prove they did something wrong and they couldn't. Glad it worked out.

And the judge is/was a member on here. He made some posts on this thread showing his arrogance then deleted them. Thankfully, we still have them in case it's ever needed. smile

"How in the hell did you get to be a moderator?"...Skinny

God Bless Nick Saban!