Originally Posted By: M48scout
Originally Posted By: whack-n-stack
[quote=M48scout]A little off topic, but what would have happened to the youth, in theory, had they forcfully resisted being detained by this retired officer? Say, had they told him to move his truck from in front of the gate, and after his refusal, they rammed his truck out of the way, whipped his azz/got the keys/moved it themselves, etc?

In other words, what obligation are we under as average citizens to submit to an attempted physical detention by a person who is not acting in official capacity as an LEO? Would these youth have been within their right to have physically resisted being detained? If any hypothethical efforts to avoid forceful detention had ended up resulting in property damage or injury to this retired officer, a) what theorectical legal consequences lied in store for them, and b) what in practice normally happens? (I suspect I know).

My point being, since retired officers may view their employment history as a lifetime appointment with privileges of physically dealing with the public ... are we average citizens simply at their mercy as stroll through society deciding on a whim when to capture their fellow citizens?

I agree with you, that's why I posted the question (not because I necessarily think escalating the situation is always the wisest course of action).

Fundamentally ... If I decide I don't feel like being held in one spot and I'm going to leave, I'm I compelled to continue being held hostage if a non-LEO physically stands in my way? What is the fallout I legally face if I decide "by God I'm about to be on my way ... and you better not try and stop me"?
To me, what angers me most about this case is that potentially innocent youth were physically detained by someone who had zero right to do so. That seems clear based on what I understand so far. What isn't clear is what options they legally had to do something about it at that very moment?

What if one of us is faced with a similar situation when attempting to drive away from our hunting lease one night and some kook decides you shot past dark/messed with his dogs/don't have rights to hunt his granddaddy's old place/etc etc etc.? What if you think he's an old kook and act accordingly and it turns out he's some old codger retired sherif type who is turkey hunting buddies with the DA?

Exactly! Or what if you actually have a deer in the back of the truck after dark which probably almost everybody on here has had at one time or another?

As for the media, by all means give it a shot, but I really don't see the media coming to the defense (even after the fact) of a gun owner.

It's been said before but bears repeating, "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely". That applies to all sorts of people from the meter maid to the leader of the free world. It's funny how the people who should be in authority don't much seek it and those who shouldn't be allowed anywhere near it have a burning lust for it. Are there required qualifications to become a judge or do you just have to get enough votes?

Man I don't envy righteous law enforcement they are being hammered from every side, people who spend their time trying to provoke them on one side and knuckleheaded bullies on the inside tarnishing
their rep, and oh yeah the public who just wants to be protected from lawlessness. Tough job. Glad they're still a lot of good people trying to do the best they can with it.