Originally Posted By: augustus_65
I haven't read the opinion yet. It was released this afternoon and I was at a bull sale on a friends farm. From what I understand it was reversed on the sufficiency of the evidence in a 5-4 opinion with four justices dissenting.

So YOUR decision was reversed at the highest level in this state. Due supposedly to a LACK of evidence. By what I've read NO ONE SAW any of the three boys shoot, and by your own admission when the "guilty" party wouldn't accept responsibility (doesn't he have fifth amendment rights against self incrimination, even if you FELT he was guilty?) you CONVICTED all three of three charges?

You said if one had taken the fall, he would have only been charged with one count of shooting from the road. Obviously that's what you think he was guilty of. What gave you the right to charge all three boys with more charges than what you think they were guilty of?

The boys were obviously set up. Did they get a lease on a property you or one of your friends wanted? How did they otherwise get in your crosshairs? I suspect the district court and state court felt there was more to your decision than was apparently the case. They were convicted on no more than your friendship with the retired warden and your overconfidence in his testimony.

You should take a much more conciliatory tone IMHO toward this. Apparently you feel yourself above reproach and your decisions above reversal.

That is apparently not the case. Thank God I don't live or frequent Lowndes County. I guess the reputation it has for shady court decisions is not solely based on large liability lawsuits against manufacturers after all.