Geezzzz.... just join a good club that manages and allows for first-time-buck-hunters to kill any buck of choice and holds ALL member's feet to the fire on work days! Join a club that has good rules on buck harvest as I don't and will not join a hunting club that lets its members shoot immature bucks as they're easy to kill and you can wipe out a large percentage of of 1.5 and 2.5 yr olds.

Remember, if you have X number of hunters (not members BUT hunters hunting when you include family members and guests), then you have to multiple any allowance by the number of hunters (not members).

Bottom line... join a club that matches your hunting style and philosophies. If you like shooting 1.5 yr old bucks, then join a club that allows that.

There are good clubs out there. They just have to have great leadership and well thought-out rules that are adhered to.

I sometimes think the worst people of hunting are the presidents of hunting clubs as the leadership of most clubs seems to stink!!!

Last edited by Kounse; 10/28/15 06:08 PM.