Funny, i started to start a thread just like this 2 weeks ago. I had gone 2-3 months with a daily headache. Now, i'd been hit by ticks 5 times this summer. The worst one was back in may, when i had to go get antibiotics. Headaches started in late july or august. I shrugged them off as allergy/stress/fatigue, but began to get concerned about lyme/rmsf. On 10/8, the headache was so bad i contemplated going to the er...called and got appt with dr. Diagnosed with "cluster headaches", no lyme or rmsf thankfully. Prescribed a pain med and muscle relaxers, as mine would start in my neck and push upwards. He told me it would take a while to break the "cycle". It did, i've been headache free for 3 days now...thank you Lord. I say all that to say...don't put off going to doc if your's persists more than a couple days. I thought i was being tough...turns out i was just being stupid. smirk

The harder I practice, the luckier I get.