Interesting quote from the article

Population Dynamics

The size and make up of the deer herd also plays a major role in determining whether bucks will disperse to set up a new home range. After nearly 40 years of photographing deer and another 20 raising them I've learned that most mature bucks are quite secretive and like to keep to them selves. They tend to like "elbow room" so if there is an over population of deer bucks will often move to where there are less deer, providing there is adequate cover and food. It's not uncommon on some ranges for bucks to disperse many miles before settling on a home range that appeals to them.

It should also be pointed out that excessive deer numbers can cause does to move in search of area that meets their food, cover and preferred fawn birthing conditions. So, the size of a deer herd can play a role in the way deer move.

“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan