Originally Posted By: walt4dun
I wasnt calling you dumb. Thats was directed more at Nighthunter's post about the contradictions of the general public.

You are right. There are plenty of people that report that gives them data.
But the larger the sample size & more accurate, the less the error.

Im not sure why some people are so scared of it. I think is our responsibility as a sportsman to help out. They're our animals and I feel like we should all try our best to take care of them. I dont feel like the state biologists are out to hoodwink us in a demented game of gotcha.

i asked myself , how would mandatory check in help the health of the herd ? my reply was , it won't . counting dead deer will give you data but does squat for helping herd management .

being scared had nothing to do with being against it . the bad in it out weight the good in it over all . imo