Originally Posted By: Matt Brock

Harvest data collected for the last few decades has shown the trend for AL hunters was to shoot more bucks than does every year. Bucks already have a naturally higher mortality due to their nature than that of does. So AL had a very screwed up sex ratio. Since the implementation of the 3 buck limit we have seen the harvest data begin to level out, with a smaller percentage of bucks being killed to does. That was the purpose, and it is working.
i respectfully disagree. The harvest numbers began to change when the doe harvest was changed, and if you look at the surveys they indicate that more does were being killed than bucks well before the limit for bucks was changed. If i remember an AWF survey indicated that just before the limit Al hunters were killing 3 does to every buck.

Also worth noting, one of the members of the limit committee shared on here that they estimated going with a 3 buck limit would only affect 4% of hunters, so 96% were already killing 3 bucks or less a year. You reckon the new limit changed the minds of the 4%?

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