Just a side note, some of you are no different than the political appointees who ignore scientific evidence and suggestions from those the people of the state have hired to manage our resources. Someone has to make decisions that will promote the perpetuation of the resource. It has already been proven that standing back and watching unregulated harvests is very very bad. Some of you scream about it being an over reach of government power and stripping of your liberties, yet the whole while complaining about how we've allowed the killing of too many does and must stop it now. I've literally seen both statements in the same post by the same people. You can not have it both ways. Either you entrust the state to make the best decisions from the information we have, or you don't. Hate the government on one hand, and cry for their help on the other.

I can PROMISE you there are knowledgeable, hard working, passionate biologist that work for us that care about the resource, and it being here for a long time, and helping people manage their properties to meet their objectives. If we didn't have the desire to conserve the resource and make it better we would all be doing something else to make a better living. We do what we do because we LOVE it.