Originally Posted By: Clem

If in South Carolina you are hearing any of the "But you don't NEED more than ..." bullcrap, put a stop to that immediately. Not a damned soul there should be able to tell anyone what they "need" on their property or in their freezer.

Y'all better push hard for science and biology that is proven and has some kind of reason. Because "you don't need ..." and "aw, everyone knows letting bucks get old and mature is good for everything" are not proven in science and biology.

It would be nice if someone would just say "Hey, most of the hunters want bigger bucks with bigger antlers and having a tagging system and/or point minimum is the way to get there" instead of dancing around with "biology" and "good of the herd" and all that. Same kind of stuff as Corn vs. Food Plots: Just say that both are to help kill deer and be done with it, because they are.

Thats right. Deer hunting controls people. They want big bucks and they are willing to tell you what you can and can't do in your property in order to get it. Honestly I don't think the buck limit has done much of anything other than take away freedoms and liberties.