Bluebell is one of my customers and as I was told that the first run will only be their "homemade vanilla " as its their bread and butter. Selling that flavor alone will get them back to making money. Within the next few months the other flavors (my choice is cookies and cream) will start being shipped.

As I was told the bacteria was only found in one of their facilities in Texas. Even though it was only found their for liability reasons, all of their facilities had to be thoroughly cleaned and then tested and tested and tested. So yes bluebell production plants for the time being are probably the cleanest food production plants in the world. They have a big plant in sylacauga and from what I was told more than half the employees were laid off while this took place. At Least these guys will be able to go back to worth.

If your decoy doesnt have holes in it, your not letting him get close enough... J.H.

"Life lessons are almost never found where you think they should be, sometimes they're in the middle of a small, muddy creek in the woods with steep banks"... DeadorAlive