Originally Posted By: BhamFred
I personally don't think a pile of corn and a foodplot are the same.

I used to hunt hogs over corn in Fl every year. A deer would come in to the corn and would smell me...then proceed to sloooowly ease in to the corn pile, even though it had gotten my scent. The corn is only there for a while and then it's gone, forcing the deer that wants corn to compromise its safety to get the corn. I've never seen a deer scent me and continue by to the foodplot I was sitting on, they would just go elsewhere or come back after dark. The foodplot would still be there.

I've hunted over corn a good bit and never witnessed this behavior (legal in the southern half of Georgia and also in several other states). Even tried to encourage this behavior by making feeders go off in the mornings to try to get the deer to come out during the day. Not disputing that you saw the behavior, just saying I can't get my deer to do that.
Seems to me that corn piles (feeders, troughs, thrown on the ground) make deer more nocturnal than anything. I pretty well went away from using it even though its legal where I hunt.