Originally Posted By: CeeHawk37
It's all in the personal experience. I get what the OP is saying though. I personally get more shook up from taking a doe on public land than I have from killing bucks in MO over ag fields. Doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the hunt, it just wasn't as rewarding as when you out smart the deer and other hunters on public ground, to me. Heck my personal experience is predicated more on the individual season most times. Years I havent had the time to hunt as much as I'd like, the reward is just getting to go out in the woods, killing one is icing on the cake at that point.

Killing one in front of dogs has been one of the most exciting ways of hunting I've ever experienced, but some would say it isn't sporting. I enjoyed the heck out of it and hope that one day I can do it again. But if some have their way no one would be able to dog hunt. We as hunters need to look at the big picture and work to preserve all aspects of the sport, less we find ourselves slowly losing all hunting because the anti-hunters have one agenda and they don't differentiate the nuances of our sport.

Duty, Honor, Country

Robert E. Lee