Originally Posted By: rumrunner
CNC I collected money the same way. There was up front money and then there was money if the deer was found. The word "found" is the tricky part here. Most hunters interpret found as recovered. That is understandable but so is the other side of that coin. I've tracked deer before and jumped them that weren't fatally shot.. That I could tell. I tracked one for over two miles, jumped him three times until he hit the river. He was killed a week later. To me that was finding your deer. I can't help that the shot wasn't as good as the hunter initially thought. Just another thing to think about. I don't track much anymore because I got burned too many times where people said they had good blood and after driving for two hours I show up to find pen drops. But I've also found deer and seeing the look on a guy's face was priceless.

A lot of the trackers I've talked to say that about half of the deer they track are still alive and many aren't hit good enough to recover. I'm conceding here at first that I will probably be called on some wild goose chases but when Otis is ready then I will definitely be charging to come out. Right now I'm not charging for showing up but if we jump the deer and make contact with him then it's $100.....if we recover him and put him on the tailgate then the charge is $150. I agree that it shouldn't be the trackers fault if the deer is not wounded enough to recover.....the dog still did his job of finding it. Eventually I will charge $100 upfront for coming out and searching and additional fees if the deer is found.

Last edited by CNC; 08/29/15 02:46 AM.

We dont rent pigs