I got it right. Now here is my view/opinion/technique on quick aging before a shot: 95% of the time you are going to look at the rack first. That is a major determining factor in what we shoot. I try to be familiar, through camera surveys, with the bucks on our property and share aging with our members. I realize that you can't take inventory on your entire population and that OPD (other people's deer) will wander onto your property from time to time. If they are on that list I hope I, or our members, will be able to identify them. If not, I hope we can make an educated guess when he walks out. There isn't a lot of time to judge in a lot of circumstances so the rack is our focal point and determining factor in that split second. Now, if he walks into a greenfield and starts browsing, anyone that has done their homework should be able to tell if the deer is mature or not. Our goal is to kill mature bucks. We slip up from time to time but most of our bucks (harvested) are mature. You will never see their potential if you kill them at 2-3 years old. I don't judge others if they want to kill these 2-3 year old bucks.....unless you are in our club. Then I will rub it in because everyone has read and agreed upon our rules/goals.

Last edited by tsmith; 08/27/15 09:24 AM.