Originally Posted By: sumpter_al
Originally Posted By: AUduckiller

You guys are seriously pieces of work. We were talking about a different section of our property. Man people on this site kill me with the oh that never should have happened you did this this and this wrong. Kiss my big white American ass shucks happens


Did you really just post that? You made a stupid fricking mistake that could have easily killed or severely injured someone and your response when you get called out on it is:

"shucks happens"

It sure is early in the day to be drunk, and that is the only excuse to say something that stupid. This might have been an accident but it was completely preventable.

1. If you had been driving slower around a blind curve it would not have happened.

2. If you had properly maintained the road it would not have happened.

Now you can flame me or complain all you want but it will not change the fact about # 1 & 2.

I too am glad that everyone walked away without any injuries. but I believe sumpter is pointing out by your own admission that both parties should have been going less than 10 mph to navigate that curve safely.

Originally Posted By: AUduckiller
If we were both doing 10 we still would have hit.

That being said, we have all probably driven faster than we should have at times and have been fortunate that we too haven't had the same thing happen to us. So it is a reminder to all of us to slow down when necessary.