There was a time when I would have said Savage 220, but the longer I have hunted with slug guns and the more wound channels (and lack of exit wounds on certain angles) I have looked at.....I have gone back to the 12 gauge and am gonna stay there from now on. Any and all slug offerings SUCK compared to high powered rifles on game so I'm gonna stick with hardened 12 gauge slugs for maximum penetration and the hope of a blood trail because unless you hit em in the spine or neck....they're gonna run due to the lack of energy.

Hence, I would suggest you look at new model of the Browning A-bolt 12 gauge. I have one of the older ones and love it. It won't shoot quite like a fine bolt action rifle but it sure feels like one though!

"The only reason I shoot a 3.5" shell for turkeys is because they don't make a 4" one." - t123winters