Well there's way more damn money in foolin' hunters than dee; known fact. We are all suckers and if you're reading this I'm talkin' to you lol.

It's believed that deer see in the UV spectrum. Greens and reds may not be visible to deer at all.

Stand in front of your deer camera at night in your $300 Camo jacket and tell me what you see. If it's washed out white on camera, like all my awesome Ole' Tom stuff, you ain't gonna be camo'd up at all opening day. Chances are you will be sticking out like a light bulb.

To add insult to injury, the company that sold you your $300 jacket (that cost them $18 to make in China); then spent more money to add UV brightened to your camo fabric to make it more appealing to you, the sucker. UV brighteners make that light bulb effect way worse (think neon sign).

There are products that you can spray on your clothes and put in the washer that will negate the effect of these UV brighteners and help your clothes to look more like you thought they did when you spent a car payments worth of cash on them.

I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.

Find me on Facebook "Christian Honolua" and I will ad you to our redneck page.